Like any medical treatment, Ketamine Therapy has risks and potential side effects. Each person who receives Ketamine Therapy may respond differently. To reduce the risk of side effects, each person receiving Ketamine Therapy receives a medical evaluation before beginning treatment. Most side effects from the treatment go away on their own within a few minutes or after the treatment is over. There are no reports of long-lasting side effects in published studies.
Common side effects include: fast or irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, clear dreams that may seem real, confusion, irritability, floating sensation, feeling “out-of-body,” breathing problems, coughing, nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, muscle jerks, muscle tension, increased saliva (spit), increased thirst, headaches, metallic taste, constipation, and blurry or double vision.
Rare side effects include: allergic reactions, skin rash or pain at the infusion site, ulcerations (open sores) and inflammation (swelling or irritation) in the bladder, hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there), euphoria (a feeling of extreme happiness), involuntary eye movements, low mood, or suicidal thoughts.